1st year
➡️ 60110100 — Pedagogy
➡️ 60110400 — Primary education
➡️ 60811600 — Land cadastre and land management
📌 You are requested to attend classes at 🔢🔢
➡️ 60230100 — Philology and language teaching (Uzbek language)
➡️ 60110400 — History
➡️ 60111200 — Physical culture
📌 You are requested to attend classes at 🔢🔢
2nd year
➡️ 60110100 — Pedagogy
➡️ 60310300 — Psychology (by type of activity)
📌 You are requested to attend classes at 🔢🔢
3rd year
➡️ 60410500 — Finance and financial technologies
📌 You are requested to come to classes at 🔢🔢
➡️60410200 — Accounting and Audit
📌 You are requested to come to classes at 🔢🔢
📍Address: Karshi city, I. Karimov street 405
🏠Landmark: Old Polytechnic College building