• April 24, 2023, 1:33 p.m.

Law on education




Adopted by the Legislative Chamber on May 19, 2020
Approved by the Senate on August 7, 2020


Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is to regulate relations in the field of education.

Article 2. Legislation on education

Legislation on education consists of this Law and other legislative acts.

If an international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes rules other than those provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education, then the rules of the international treaty shall apply.

Article 3. Basic concepts

The following basic concepts are applied in this Law:

state accreditation — process of state recognition of the compliance of the activities of state educational institutions and organizations, non-state educational organizations (hereinafter - educational organizations) with state educational standards, state educational requirements and curricula, as well as granting the right to issue their graduates with educational documents;

state educational institution — institution created by public and administrative authorities based on state-owned property, providing education in accordance with state educational standards and state educational requirements;

state educational standards — set of state requirements to the content and quality of education;

state educational requirements — mandatory requirements to the structure, content and conditions for the implementation of education, as well as to the physical, personal, intellectual, scientific and professional qualities of students;

qualification — level of knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies characterizing the preparedness of a person to perform a certain type of professional activity, confirmed by an appropriate educational document;

specialty — the name of a specific type of professional training, which results in the assignment of a qualification;

non-state educational organization — legal entity that provides educational services on the basis of a license for the provision of educational services in accordance with state educational standards, state educational requirements and curricula;

upbringing — systemic process aimed at the all-round development of the young generation based on a specific target-oriented and socio-historical experience, the formation of consciousness, spiritual and moral values and worldview;

education — systemic process aimed at providing students with deep theoretical knowledge, faculties and practical skills, as well as the formation of general educational and professional knowledge, faculties and skills, and the development of abilities;

educational campus — educational and upbringing environment that ensures high efficiency of the educational process, spiritual and moral education, including a complex of buildings and structures, educational buildings, research institutes (centers), production complexes and technoparks, places of temporary residence of participants in the educational and upbringing process, laboratories, information resource centers (libraries), sports facilities, catering facilities, united on a single territory;

participants in the educational and upbringing process — students, parents or other legal representatives of minor students, teaching staff and their representatives;

certification of educational organizations — main form of state control over assessment of performance of educational organizations and determination of the content, level and quality of training of specialists in accordance with state educational standards, state educational requirements and curricula.

Article 4. Main principles in the field of education

The main principles in the field of education are:

recognition of the priority of education;

freedom to choose the form of education;

inadmissibility of discrimination in the field of education;

ensuring equal opportunities for education;

introducing national and universal values in education and upbringing;

humanistic, democratic nature of education and upbringing;

continuity of education;

compulsory eleven-year education and one-year preparation for general secondary education for children from six to seven years of age;

universal access to education within the limits of state educational standards and state educational requirements;

consistent and differentiated approach to the choice of educational programs;

lifelong education;

guarantee of social protection of teachers in society;

secular nature of the education system;

encouragement of education, aptitude and talent;

combination of state and public administration in the education system;

openness and transparency in the field of educational activities.

Article 5. Right to education

Everyone is guaranteed equal rights to education regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, religion, social origin, beliefs, personal and social status.

The right to education shall be ensured through:

development of educational organizations;

support of innovations in educational organizations and implementation of educational programs using innovative technologies;

organization of off-the-job (full-time) and on-the-job (external, evening, distance) education;

training, retraining and advanced training of specialists;

free general secondary, secondary specialized and initial vocational education;

granting to citizens, who received home-based education or self-educated, as well as to persons who have not received general secondary education, the right to be certified as an external student by accredited state educational institutions.

Foreign citizens have the right to receive education in the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with international treaties and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan have equal rights to receive education with the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Chapter 2. System, types and forms of education

Article 6. System of education

System of education includes:

state educational standards, state educational requirements, curricula and study programs;

educational organizations implementing state educational standards, state educational requirements and study programs;

organizations that assess the quality of education;

scientific and pedagogical institutions performing research work necessary to ensure the functioning and development of the system of education;

government bodies in the field of education, as well as their subordinate organizations.

System of education is unified and continuous.

Article 7. Types of education

The types of education are:

preschool education and upbringing;

general secondary and secondary specialized education;

vocational education;

higher education;

postgraduate education;

retraining and advanced training of specialists;

out-of-school education.

Article 8. Preschool education and upbringing

Preschool education and upbringing is a type of education aimed at teaching and upbringing children, their intellectual, spiritual, moral, ethical, aesthetic and physical development, as well as their preparation for general secondary education.

Preschool education and upbringing also provides for the compulsory one-year preparation of children from six to seven years of age for primary education.

The procedure for organizing preschool education and upbringing shall be determined by this Law, as well as the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On preschool education and upbringing».

Article 9. General secondary and secondary specialized education

General secondary and secondary specialized education is aimed at mastering general study programs, necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

The stages of general secondary education (grades I — XI) are:

primary education (grades I — IV);

basic secondary education (grades V — IX);

secondary education (X — XI grades).

Children are admitted to the first grade of a general secondary educational organization in the year, when they reach seven years of age.

Primary education is aimed at developing among students the foundations of literacy, knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to continue general secondary education.

Basic secondary education provides students, in accordance with the study programs, with the necessary amount of knowledge, abilities and skills, develops their independent thinking and analytical abilities.

In order to form students' primary knowledge and skills in professions, within the framework of basic secondary education (after grade VII), measures are taken for their initial professional assessment and orientation.

Secondary education provides students, in accordance with the study programs, with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities and ensures the opportunity to select the subsequent type of education and master professions that do not require high qualifications.

The procedures for organizing initial professional assessment and orientation, as well as preparing students for professions that do not require high qualifications, shall be established by law.

General secondary education is carried out in general secondary educational organizations continuously, during the compulsory eleven years.

Secondary specialized education is carried out for two years, on the basis of nine-year basic secondary education, in academic lyceums and provides accelerated development of intellectual abilities, as well as in-depth, differentiated, professionally and personally-oriented education of students.

General secondary and secondary specialized education in non-state educational organizations may be carried out on a paid-contractual basis.

To develop the abilities of gifted and talented children, may be established Presidential, creative and other specialized schools, as well as boarding schools.

Children with physical, mental, sensory or mental disorders, as well as children in need of long-term treatment, receive education in state specialized educational institutions, general secondary and secondary specialized educational organizations in an inclusive form or individually at home.

The number of students in classes (groups) of general secondary and secondary special educational organizations should not exceed thirty-five.

Article 10. Vocational education

Professional education in the acquired profession and specialty includes the following levels:

initial vocational education;

secondary vocational education;

secondary specialized vocational education.

Primary vocational education is carried out in vocational schools for graduates of grade IX under two-year integrated study programs of general education subjects and subjects of specialties in a full-time form of education on a free basis.

Secondary vocational education is carried out in colleges on the basis of general secondary, secondary specialized and primary vocational education in full-time, evening and external forms of education for up to two years, based on the complexity of professions and specialties on the basis of a state order or a paid contract.

Secondary specialized vocational education is carried out in technicums on the basis of general secondary, secondary specialized, primary vocational and secondary vocational education in full-time, evening and external forms of education for at least two years, based on the complexity of professions and specialties on the basis of a state order or a paid contract.

Citizens, who received secondary specialized, vocational education (nine-year general secondary and three-year secondary special, vocational education) prior to the entry into force of this Law, shall also have the right to receive secondary vocational and secondary specialized vocational education.

Vocational schools, colleges and technicums shall ensure that students acquire their chosen profession and specialty.

Citizens shall have the right to receive a second and subsequent vocational education on a contractual basis.

Article 11. Higher education

Higher education provides training of highly qualified specialists in the areas of undergraduate education (bachelor’s degree) and graduate specialties (master’s degree).

Training of specialists with higher education is carried out in higher educational organizations (universities, academies, institutes, higher schools). Higher education is eligible for persons who have general secondary (eleven-year education), secondary specialized (nine-year basic secondary and two-year specialized secondary education), primary vocational (nine-year basic secondary and two-year primary vocational education) education, as well as persons who, prior to entering into force of this Law, received secondary specialized, vocational education (nine-year general secondary and three-year secondary specialized, vocational education).

Higher education has two stages - undergraduate and graduate.

Undergraduate education is a basic higher education, providing in-depth knowledge, skills and abilities in one of the areas of higher education, with a duration of study of at least three years.

Graduate education is a higher education in a specific specialty on the basis of a corresponding undergraduate education with a duration of study of at least one year.

The list of specialties of graduate education and the corresponding areas of undergraduate education shall be established by the authorized government body in the field of education.

Citizens have the right to receive a second and subsequent higher education on a contractual basis.

Article 12. Postgraduate education

Postgraduate education may be provided in higher educational and scientific organizations.

Postgraduate education provides the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel with a scientific degree under basic doctoral studies, doctoral studies and independent research, with in-depth study of the specialty and conducting scientific research in order to prepare and defend a doctoral dissertation.

Basic doctoral studies is a form of postgraduate off-service education in the specialty of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification for candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Doctoral studies is a form of postgraduate off-service education in the specialty of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification for candidates for the degree of Doctor of Science (DSc).

Independent research is a form of postgraduate in-service education in the specialty of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification for candidates for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science (DSc).

The procedure for the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, awarding of academic degrees and titles, as well as the specifics of acquiring postgraduate education in military, medical and other educational organizations shall be specified by law.

The duration of postgraduate education shall be determined by law.

Article 13. Retraining and advanced training of specialists

Retraining of specialists ensures the acquisition of the necessary additional professional knowledge, skills and abilities to carry out activities in areas corresponding to basic professions and specialties.

Advanced training of specialists ensures deepening and updating of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, serves to improve the categories, degrees, ranking and titles of specialists.

The forms and terms of retraining and advanced training of specialists shall be specified by the relevant state educational requirements.

Article 14. Out-of-school education

To meet the needs of children, organize their free time and recreation, government agencies, non-governmental non-profit organizations, as well as commercial organizations may create out-of-school educational organizations in cultural and aesthetic, scientific, technical and sports areas.

Out-of-school education, as an integral part of children's lifelong education, is aimed at developing their talents and abilities, meeting their spiritual needs.

Out-of-school educational organizations include palaces, houses, clubs and centers for children's and youth creativity, children's schools «Barkamol Avlod», children's and youth sports schools, children's music and arts schools, studios, information resources and recreational institutions.

The procedure for the provision of out-of-school education shall be determined by the authorized state body in the field of education.

Article 15. Forms of education

The forms of education are:

off-the-job education (full-time);

on-the-job education (external, evening, distance);

dual education;

family education and self-education;

adult learning and education;

inclusive education;

external education;

training of personnel in the field of defense, security and law enforcement.

Article 16. Distance education

Distance education is aimed at providing students with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with curricula and study programs at a distance using information and communication technologies and the Internet.

The procedure for organizing distance education shall be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 17. Dual education

Dual education is aimed at providing students with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, the theoretical part of which is carried out on the basis of the educational organization, and the practical part — at the students’ workplace.

The procedure for organizing dual education shall be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 18. Family education and self-education

The state provides assistance in obtaining education in families and self-education. The education of children in families and self-education are carried out according to the appropriate study programs with the provision of methodological and advisory assistance.

The procedure for obtaining education in families and self-education, as well as the relevant categories of students, shall be determined by the relevant authorized government bodies in the field of education.

Family education is carried out on the basis of an agreement between a state educational institution and parents or other legal representatives of students, taking into account the interests of children, family, the state and society.

Self-education is carried out on an individual basis and contributes to the professional, intellectual, spiritual and cultural development of students.

The issuance of a state-recognized education document to persons who received education in a family and through self-education shall be carried out in accordance with the approved study programs of state educational institutions for external form of study.

Article 19. Adult learning and education

Adult learning and education are central components of lifelong learning, which include all forms of education and training aimed at ensuring adult participation in society and the workforce, and encompass the entire range of formal, non-formal and informal education processes.

Formal education is institutionalized (embodying certain rules and norms), purposeful and planned with the participation of state educational institutions and accredited non-state educational organizations.

Non-formal education is institutionalized (embodying certain rules and norms), purposeful and planned by a person or organization that provides educational services, is an addition and (or) alternative to formal education in life-long learning of an individual.

Informal education is focused, but not institutionalized (not embodying certain rules and regulations), less organized and structured than formal or non-formal education and may include learning activities in the family, in the workplace, in the community and in everyday life.

Article 20. Inclusive education

Inclusive education is aimed at ensuring equal access to education in educational institutions for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities.

Inclusive education shall be organized in educational organizations for children (persons) with physical, mental, sensory or psychological disorders.

The procedure for organizing inclusive education shall be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 21. External education

External education includes independent mastering of study programs and passing by students of final and state evaluations in state educational institutions.

The procedure for acquiring education as an external student shall be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 22. Training of personnel in the field of defense, security and law enforcement

Training of personnel in the field of defense, security and law enforcement is carried out on the basis of their respective specifics in accordance with the legislation.

Chapter 3. Management of education system

Article 23. Powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education

Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

implements a unified state policy in the field of education;

approves and ensures the implementation of state programs in the field of education;

directs the activities of authorized state bodies in the field of education;

determines the procedure for certification and state accreditation of educational organizations, certification of teaching staff and scientific personnel, issuing licenses to non-state educational organizations to carry out activities on the provision of educational services (hereinafter - license), stamping apostille to documents on education;

determines the procedure for employing teaching staff in educational organizations and assessing their activities;

issues permits to engage in educational activities on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan to educational institutions of foreign states;

determines the procedure for recognizing educational documents obtained in foreign countries;

approves state-recognized formats of education documents and establishes the procedure for issuing state education documents;

approves the list of areas of education, specialties and professions for which external studies are not allowed;

approves the list of areas of education, specialties and professions, training in which is carried out only in state educational institutions;

establishes the admission regulation for state educational institutions and organizations;

appoints and dismisses rectors of state higher educational institutions, as well as rectors (heads) of higher educational institutions created with the participation of the state (non-state higher educational organizations with a state share, joint educational institutions, educational institutions created on the basis of public-private partnerships, and others);

establishes the procedure for transferring students from one accredited educational organization to another, as well as their expulsion and restoration;

establishes the procedure for determining the rating of educational organizations;

determines the procedure for retraining and advanced training of specialists;

forms government orders for training of specialists in educational institutions based on the forecast and analysis of labor market needs;

establishes material and technical, infrastructural and parametric requirements for educational organizations;

establishes the procedure for the preparation and publication of textbooks and teaching aids, as well as the requirements for their delivery and use in educational organizations.

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan may exercise other powers in accordance with the legislation.

Article 24. Powers of State Inspection for Supervision of the Quality of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education

State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Quality of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter - Education Inspection) is a special authorized body of state administration in the field of education, implementing state policy in the field of monitoring the quality of the educational process, teaching staff, training, retraining and professional development of specialists in the education system.

Education Inspection:

conducts certification and state accreditation of educational organizations, as well as certification of teaching staff of educational organizations;

monitors the quality of the educational process in educational institutions;

exercises control and participates in the process of assigning positions and qualification categories to teachers of preschool, general secondary, secondary specialized, vocational and out-of-school educational organizations;

issues licenses to non-state educational organizations;

determines the rating of educational organizations;

submits information to the relevant authorized state bodies and educational organizations on the identified violations of the legislation on education.

The Education Inspection may exercise other powers in accordance with the legislation.

Article 25. Powers of Agency for development of Presidential, Creative and Specialized Schools under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of education

Agency for development of Presidential, Creative and Specialized Schools under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

develops and implements state policy in the field of identifying, selecting, educating and upbringing young people in Presidential, creative and specialized schools;

approves state educational standards for Presidential, creative and specialized schools;

carries out unified coordination and methodological guidance of the activities of Presidential, creative and specialized schools in accordance with state educational standards;

strengthens the material and technical base of the Presidential, creative and specialized schools, monitors and coordinates the operation of buildings and facilities in these schools.

Agency for development of Presidential, Creative and Specialized Schools under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan may exercise other powers in accordance with the legislation.

Article 26. Authorized bodies of state administration in the field of education

The authorized state bodies in the field of education are Ministry of Preschool Education, Ministry of Public Education, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The authorized state bodies in the field of education, within the limits of their powers:

implement a unified state policy in the field of education;

develop, approve and implement sectoral state programs in the field of education;

coordinate activities and carry out methodological guidance of educational organizations;

exercise control over the implementation by educational organizations of the requirements of state educational standards (including the state standard for preschool education and upbringing), state educational requirements for the level of education and the quality of vocational preparation;

ensure the development and approval of state educational standards (including the state standard for preschool education and upbringing) and state educational requirements;

establish the procedure for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

establish a list of professions and specialties of vocational education, areas of undergraduate and graduate studies of higher education, as well as areas of knowledge and areas of education;

ensure the introduction into the educational process of modern forms of education, new pedagogical technologies, technical and information teaching aids;

develop measures aimed at improving the quality of vocational training in educational institutions, improve study programs;

organize the preparation and publication of educational literature;

approve normative legal acts on the assessment of academic performance, organization of the educational process, final certifying examination of students, and determine the categories of students for external education;

submit proposals to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the appointment of rectors of state higher educational institutions;

organize training, retraining and advanced training of management and teaching staff of educational organizations;

develop requirements for the use of material and technical resources in educational organizations;

participate in the development of regulatory legal acts in the field of education;

carry out international cooperation in the field of education.

The authorized state bodies in the field of education may also exercise other powers in accordance with the legislation.

Article 27. Powers of local government bodies in the field of education

Local government bodies:

in agreement with the authorized state bodies in the field of education, create, reorganize and liquidate state educational institutions, except for educational institutions of republican subordination;

within the limits of their powers, establish the amount of funding for state educational institutions in the relevant territory;

interact with citizens' self-government bodies, non-governmental non-profit organizations and other civil society institutions on the development of educational organizations;

determine the territories (micro-sites) attached to the state general secondary educational institutions;

assist educational organizations in the implementation of international cooperation in the field of education;

develop local level programs aimed at creating necessary conditions for quality education and upbringing of students, formation and manifestation of their abilities;

within the limits of their powers, develop public-private partnership in the field of education and contribute to the expansion of the network of non-state educational organizations;

assist in ensuring the employment of graduates of general secondary educational institutions.

Local government bodies may exercise other powers in accordance with the legislation.

Article 28. Management of an educational organization

Management of an educational organization is carried out by, respectively:

pedagogical council;

supervisory board (board of trustees);

council of a higher educational organization;

head of an educational organization.

Public management bodies may be created in educational organizations.

Consumers of specialists participate in the management of educational organizations and training of specialists.

Chapter 4. Organization of educational activities and implementation of its control

Article 29. Legal status of educational organizations

Educational organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan and their branches, as well as branches of educational organizations of foreign states are created with the status of a legal entity.

Educational services in the form of a family non-state preschool educational organization are provided by individuals registered as an individual entrepreneurs.

Non-governmental educational organizations have the right to engage in educational activities from the date of obtaining a license.

Educational organizations carry out their activities on the basis of the charter and (or) other constituent documents.

Educational organizations have the right to unite into educational and upbringing and educational and scientific-production complexes.

Cration of organizational structures of political parties in educational organizations shall not be allowed.

Article 30. Creation, reorganization and liquidation of educational organizations

State higher, secondary special, vocational educational institutions and their branches, as well as higher, secondary special, vocational educational organizations with the participation of the state and their branches are created by decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Branches (centers, educational campuses) and other divisions of foreign higher educational organizations may be established in the country in order to meet the needs of the economy and the social sphere in qualified specialists with higher education, as well as the needs of the population in higher education.

Divisions of foreign higher educational institutions are created in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the status of a legal entity.

According to international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan may be adopted on the issues of organizing the activities of branches (centers, educational campuses) and other divisions of foreign higher educational organizations, as well as educational institutions of international organizations.

State educational institutions for retraining and advanced training of specialists are created:

by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the form of institutes and centers;

by the relevant ministries, state committees and departments, in agreement with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the form of departments and courses of higher educational institutions.

State general secondary and out-of-school educational institutions:

of republican subordination are created by ministries, state committees and departments, in agreement with the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of regions and city of Tashkent;

subordinated to the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and city of Tashkent are created, respectively, by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of regions and city of Tashkent, in agreement with the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

subordinated to districts and cities are created by the khokimiyats of districts and cities, in agreement with the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The creation of non-state educational organizations is carried out by their founders.

Reorganization and liquidation of educational organizations are carried out in the manner prescribed by law.

Information on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of educational organizations is provided to the state statistics bodies, Education Inspection and territorial bodies of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 31. Non-state educational organizations

Non-state educational organizations carry out their activities on the basis of a license.

Non-state educational organizations provide educational services in accordance with license requirements and conditions.

Non-state educational organizations that provide educational services in accordance with state educational standards and state educational requirements issue to their graduates state-approved education documents.

Non-state educational organizations that provide educational services according to independently developed and licensed study programs issue to their graduates educational documents recognized in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Non-state educational organizations shall take measures to create the necessary conditions and attract highly qualified pedagogical and other personnel for the organization of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts.

Education according to study programs developed by non-state educational organizations is carried out on the basis of a contract concluded between students or their parents or other legal representatives and a non-state educational organization, which indicates terms, conditions of study course and payment, rights and obligations of the parties and other conditions.

Article 32. Charter of an educational organization

A charter of an educational organization shall be developed considering the characteristics of the types of education.

A charter of an educational organization, as a rule, shall contain the following provisions:

types and forms of education;

goals and objectives of an educational organization;

organization and content of educational and scientific-methodical work;

admission regulation of an educational organization;

structure, governing bodies and public structures of an educational organization;

status, rights and obligations of students, teaching staff, studies and pedagogical work specialists, administrative and managerial personnel;

property and funds of an educational organization;

procedure for the creation, reorganization and liquidation of an educational organization.

Standard charter of an educational organization shall be developed for:

general secondary educational organizations, specialized schools and out-of-school educational organizations — by Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

Presidential, creative and specialized schools — by Agency for development of Presidential, Creative and Specialized Schools under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

specialized schools under higher educational institutions, secondary specialized, vocational and higher educational organizations — by Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

educational organizations for retraining and advanced training of specialists — by the relevant ministries, state committees and departments.

A charter of an educational organization shall be approved by the founders and registered at the Center for State Services by territorial affiliation.

Article 33. Language of instruction

The procedure for using language of instruction in educational organizations is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On state language».

Article 34. State educational standards and state educational requirements

State educational standards establish requirements for the content and quality of general secondary, specialized secondary, vocational and higher education.

State educational requirements determine:

content of out-of-school education, postgraduate education, as well as retraining and advanced training of specialists;

structure of education and conditions for the provision of education;

norms on the physical, personal, intellectual, scientific and professional qualities of students.

State standard for preschool education and upbringing is applied in preschool educational organizations.

Compliance with state educational standards and (or) state educational requirements is mandatory for all educational organizations, except for the cases provided for in part five of this article.

Non-state educational organizations can carry out educational activities on the basis of independently developed and licensed study programs.

Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan ensures the development of state educational standards, qualification requirements, curricula and study programs for higher, secondary specialized and vocational education. For these purposes, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan determines the basic state higher and vocational educational institutions.

Basic state higher and vocational educational institutions prepare state educational standards, qualification requirements, curricula and study programs with the participation of consumers of specialists. State educational standards are developed on the basis of occupational standards.

Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan ensures the development of state educational standards for general secondary education.

State educational standards, qualification requirements, curricula and study programs of higher, vocational, secondary specialized and general secondary education are approved, respectively, by Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Agency for development of Presidential, Creative and Specialized Schools under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic. Uzbekistan. Other ministries, state committees and departments with appropriate powers develop and approve state educational standards in agreement with Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

State educational requirements are developed and approved by the relevant authorized state bodies in the field of education.

Education of persons with physical, mental, sensory or psychological disorders is carried out on the basis of special study programs.

Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan may authorize state higher educational institutions to provide educational services on the basis of independently developed and approved curricula, qualification requirements and study programs.

Article 35. Implementation of curricula and study programs in the educational process

Curricula and study programs are developed on the basis of the goals and objectives of the respective levels of education.

The content, procedure for the development and implementation of curricula and study programs in the relevant state educational institutions and organizations are determined by Ministry of Preschool Education, Ministry of Public Education, Agency for development of Presidential, Creative and Specialized Schools under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The study programs for general education subjects should be aimed at the all-round development of the personality, formation of knowledge, abilities, skills, outlook and development of students' abilities.

The study programs for vocational subjects are aimed at acquiring by students of the relevant professions and specialties.

The introduction of curricula and study programs in the educational process is carried out by educational organizations.

Modern pedagogical technologies, innovative forms and methods of teaching, information and communication technologies shall be used in the process of introducing curricula and study programs.

When introducing curricula and study programs into the educational process, educational organizations may use teaching technologies based on a credit-unit system.

Curriculum, as a rule, shall reflect the schedule of the educational process, the beginning, duration and frequency of study courses, academic years, quarters, semesters, internship, recess and examination, the number of weeks allotted, the subjects studied (units) and the hours (credits) allotted to them, and other required parameters.

The curricula of vocational and higher education, retraining and advanced training of specialists shall provide for internship of students.

The procedure and organization of the internship of students shall be determined by the relevant authorized state bodies in the field of education.

The curricula of vocational and higher education shall be formed from subjects on specialties, as well as general professional disciplines, mathematical, natural science, humanitarian and additional subjects in accordance with state educational standards.

It is not allowed to include additional subjects in the curriculum at the instructions from government bodies and in any other way not provided for by this Law.

Article 36. Experimental and innovative activities in the field of education

Experimental and innovative activities in the field of education are carried out with a view to modernizing education and aimed at developing new educational technologies and resources, their testing and introducing into the educational process. The procedure and conditions for the implementation of experimental and innovative activities are established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The authorized state bodies in the field of education and local government bodies, within the limits of their powers, shall create conditions for the implementation of innovative educational programs and projects, implementation of their results into practice.

Based on the needs of economic development and innovative activities, the state creates appropriate conditions for the introduction of the results of research work of scientists of higher educational institutions into the production process, as well as for the gradual transition of higher educational institutions to more advanced forms of the educational process.

Educational organizations in their experimental and innovative activities may use distance learning technologies.

Article 37. Openness and transparency of the activities of educational organizations

The openness and transparency of the activities of educational organizations shall be ensured by open information resources about the activities of educational organizations, posted on their official websites.

The official websites of educational organizations shall include the following:

charter of an educational organization;

information about the languages of instruction;

state educational standards, state educational requirements;

information on the material and technical base of educational activities;

license (for non-state educational organizations);

rating of an educational organization;

certificate of state accreditation for educational activities;

information on areas and results of scientific research, as well as on the research base (for higher education) for its implementation;

information on the procedure for scholarships to students, availability and conditions for providing social assistance to them;

information on availability and capacity of accommodation and payment thereof;

information about number of teachers and students, as well as scientific potential of teachers.

The heads of educational organizations are personally responsible for ensuring the accuracy of information posted on the official websites of educational organizations.

The use of information on the activities of some educational organizations may be limited in cases and in the manner provided for by law.

Article 38. Admission to study in educational organizations

The process of admission to study in educational organizations for all applicants is carried out on the basis of the principle of ensuring equal opportunities for acquiring education, with the exception of certain categories of persons who, in accordance with law, may be eligible for preferences.

Educational organizations are obliged to familiarize applicants and (or) their parents or other legal representatives with the charter, license (for non-state educational organizations), certificate of state accreditation, study program and other documents regulating educational activities, rights and obligations of students.

Children with physical, mental, sensory or psychological disorders are admitted to study with the consent of their parents or other legal representatives and based on the conclusion of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission.

Admission to study in individual educational organizations (higher educational institutions, academic lyceums, Presidential, creative, specialized schools and others) is carried out on a competitive basis. The participants of the competition for admission to educational organizations are provided with information on the procedure for holding the competition.

Admission to study at state higher and vocational educational institutions is carried out on the basis of a state grant and (or) a paid contract.

The procedure for admission to study at state educational institutions is established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The procedure for admission to study in non-state educational organizations is established by these educational organizations.

The admission of foreign citizens to state educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan is carried out on the basis of a paid contract (except for the cases of a state grant).

The parameters of admission to study at higher educational institutions on the basis of a state grant are established by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Additional admission parameters are established for admission to study in higher educational institutions of the persons eligible for preferences.

Article 39. Targeted admission to study in state educational institutions

Targeted admission to study in state educational institutions is carried out within the framework of the parameters for admission of students based on the needs of the relevant territories, spheres and industries in specialists.

Targeted admission to study at state educational institutions is carried out on the basis of agreements concluded between the customers of specialists, state educational institutions and citizens.

Admission of citizens to state educational institutions under the targeted admission is carried out on a general principles, in accordance with the results of competitive selection.

Article 40. Document on education

Graduates of accredited educational organizations who have received education in accordance with state educational standards and state educational requirements are issued a state-recognized educational document (school graduation certificate, diploma, parchment, qualification certificate). A state-recognized education document is also issued to persons who have received education in family or through self-education and passed the final and state examination as an external student on the relevant educational programs of accredited state educational institutions.

A statement of marks with a list of studied disciplines, their extent and grades is attached to the diploma of secondary specialized, vocational and higher education.

Persons who have defended a dissertation for an academic degree are awarded the relevant academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science (DSc) and a state diploma.

Mutual recognition of education documents may be arranged based on bilateral agreements between the governments of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign states.

Persons who have not completed the relevant type of continuing education are issued a certificate of the established form.

A state-recognized education document, as well as an education document issued by a non-state educational organization and recognized in the Republic of Uzbekistan, give the right to continue education in the next type (level) of continuous education or work in the relevant profession and specialty.

Based on agreements concluded between higher educational institutions of foreign states and the Republic of Uzbekistan, their graduates can be issued a double diploma, recognized in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a document of higher education.

Article 41. Rating of educational organizations

The rating of educational organizations is established in order to:

develop a healthy competitive environment between educational organizations;

stimulate the growth of level and improve quality of scientific and pedagogical activities;

effectively use the scientific potential of teaching staff;

achieve high indicators of the quality of education;

develop qualified specialists in demand on the labor market.

Heads of educational organizations shall be personally responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the educational organization for determination of rating.

Article 42. Monitoring in the system of education

Monitoring in the system of education includes the review and observation of the state of education, the dynamics of the educational results, the conditions created for the implementation of educational activities, as well as the analysis of information about the students and the adoption of management decisions.

Monitoring of educational organizations is carried out by Education Inspection, authorized state bodies in the field of education and their territorial divisions.

Information on the analysis of the state of education and its development potential is posted on the official websites of Education Inspection, authorized state bodies in the field of education and their territorial divisions, as well as educational organizations.

Information on the education system includes official statistical data, results of the monitoring of the education system, data from authorized state bodies in the field of education and their territorial divisions, local government bodies and educational organizations.

Article 43. State control in the field of education

State control in the field of education is carried out by assessing the compliance of the content and quality of the education provided with state educational standards, state educational requirements and study programs, as well as the requirements of this Law.

Educational organizations assist Education Inspection, authorized state bodies in the field of education in monitoring the quality of education.

Education Inspection, in case of revealing a discrepancy between the content and quality of education provided by educational organizations and the provisions of the legislation on education, directs them to eliminate the discrepancies. In case of non-elimination thereof, Education Inspection shall have the right to cancel a certificate of state accreditation of an educational organization in accordance with the legislation.

It is not allowed to check the quality of education, organization of the educational process, activities of teaching staff, progress of students in educational organizations by bodies not authorized to control the quality of education.

Education Inspection controls and monitors the quality of education in non-state educational organizations with the notification thereof of the Commissioner under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of business entities.

Chapter 5. Legal status of teaching staff of educational organizations

Article 44. Right to engage in teaching activity

Persons with appropriate education, professional training and spiritual and moral qualities have the right to engage in teaching activity. Persons who have graduated with master’s or specialist’s degree have the right to engage in pedagogical activities in their respective specialties.

Persons with non-pedagogical higher education are eligible to engage in pedagogical activities in educational institutions (with the exception of higher educational institutions) after completing retraining courses, unless otherwise provided by law.

Masters of vocational training are eligible to engage in pedagogical activities in vocational educational organizations without undergoing retraining courses.

Vocational educational organizations, if necessary, may engage masters of vocational training, as well as other specialists without higher education, who have the appropriate knowledge and practical skills to conduct practical classes and extracurricular activities.

Article 45. Status of teaching staff and guarantees of their activities

The status of teaching staff is recognized by society and the state. Teaching staff is provided a social support and organizational and legal conditions for carrying out professional activities, increasing their social status and standing, and guarantees for the exercise of their rights and legitimate interests.

The rights, honor, dignity and professional reputation of teaching staff of educational organizations are protected by the state.

Interference in the professional activities of teaching staff of educational organizations, in their objective assessment of students' knowledge, as well as obstructing the performance of their official duties are not allowed.

Teaching staff has the right to:

protect their honor, dignity and professional reputation;

develop and implement copyrighted programs within the approved study programs, develop teaching methods, use relevant academic disciplines, courses, modules, manifest creativity;

freely choose and use modern pedagogical forms, means, methods of teaching and upbringing;

demand the creation of necessary conditions for the implementation of their professional activities;

use the services of information resource centers on educational, scientific and methodological areas free of charge;

take part in the development of state educational standards, state educational requirements, qualification requirements, curricula and study programs;

carry out scientific, research and creative activities, participate in experimental activities, develop and introduce innovations;

take part in the management of an educational organization, as well as in the discussion of issues related to its activities;

represent employees, become member of trade unions and non-governmental non-profit organizations, participate in the activities of other institutions of civil society;

unite in public associations of teaching staff to represent and protect their professional rights and common interests;

be protected from interference in their professional activities;

free medical examination in state healthcare institutions (for state educational institutions and organizations);

participate in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of students.

Teaching staff may have other rights in accordance with the law.

It is forbidden to involve teaching staff in any work not related to their official duties.

Article 46. Obligations of teaching staff

Teaching staff is obliged to:

respect the honor, dignity and professional reputation of the participants of educational process;

conduct instructions and classes in a quality manner;

use information and communication technologies, advanced and innovative forms and methods of teaching and education;

take into account psychological and individual characteristics, the state of physical and mental health, physiological development of students, pay attention to creating conditions for teaching persons with physical, mental, sensory or psychological disorders;

conduct educational work with minor students in cooperation with their parents or other legal representatives;

comply with the requirements of the charter and (or) other constituent documents, the rules of internal labor regulations of an educational organization;

systematically improve their qualifications, undergo periodic certification for suitability to the position held;

pass a medical examination in a timely manner.

Teaching staff may bear other obligations in accordance with the legislation and contracts concluded between the students and an educational organization.

When carrying out teaching activities, teaching staff is prohibited from committing actions that contradict the norms of morality and ethics.

Requirements to the dress code of teaching staff are determined by educational organizations.

Chapter 6. Rights and obligations of students, their parents and other legal representatives

Article 47. Rights of students

Students have the right to:

receive general secondary, secondary specialized and initial vocational education free of charge;

admission to state general secondary educational institution at the place of residence (micro-site);

freely choose the forms of education;

a quality education that meets state educational standards, state educational requirements and study program;

necessary conditions for education, created taking into account their psychological characteristics and physiological development, as well as free psychological and medical services;

participate in the formation of the content of the education they receive, developed in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards for vocational and higher education, in accordance with the procedure established by a state educational institution;

protection of their life and health from any physical and psychological violence, personal insults by teachers and other participants in the educational process;

holidays for rest and other social needs during the period of study;

receive academic leaves and scholarships, restoration of study and transfer to other educational organizations, as well as from one form of study, specialization, area of education, vocational specialty to another;

participate in the discussion of issues on the management of an educational organization;

free use of the services of educational, methodological, scientific and industrial, cultural, sports and utility facilities of an educational organization in the process of education;

participate in research, development, scientific and technical, experimental and innovative activities of an educational organization.

Students may have other rights in accordance with the law.

In educational organizations it is forbidden to engage students in any work not related to acquiring education.

Article 48. Obligations of students

Students are obliged to:

master knowledge, abilities and skills based on study programs, attend classes, independently prepare for them, perform tasks assigned by teaching staff;

refrain from physical and (or) psychological violence in relation to other participants in the educational process and interference with the performance of their duties;

comply with the requirements of the charter and (or) other constituent documents, internal regulations of an educational organization, rules of places of accommodation and requirements of other internal documents on the organization and implementation of educational activities;

strive for moral, spiritual and physical development and expansion of their worldview;

respect the honor, dignity and professional reputation of the participants in the educational process;

protect the property, material and cultural values of an educational organization.

Students may have other responsibilities in accordance with the law.

Article 49. Requirements to the dress code of students

Requirements to the dress code of students in educational institutions are established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Certain categories of students shall be provided with uniforms at the expense of the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 50. Provision of students in educational institutions with accommodation

Students of educational organization of a full-time mode of study, as well as students of external mode of study during the period of final and intermediate examinations, are provided with accommodation, if available.

Accommodation is provided to students in accordance with the procedure established by an educational organization.

It is not allowed to use accommodation facilities for other purposes if there are persons in need thereof.

Payment for accommodation is made in accordance with the agreement concluded with an educational organization.

The amount of payment for accommodation is established by an educational organization.

State educational institutions have the right to reduce the amount of payment for accommodation for certain categories of students or to completely exempt them from payment. Orphans and children deprived of parental care, as well as children orphaned during the period of study, children (persons) with physical, mental, sensory or psychological disorders are exempted from payment for accommodation.

Article 51. Rights and obligations of parents and other legal representatives of students who have not reached majority age

Parents and other legal representatives of students, who have not reached majority age, are responsible for the education, upbringing, physical, spiritual and intellectual development of the child.

Local government bodies, citizens' self-government bodies and educational organizations assist parents and other legal representatives of students, who have not reached majority age, in the upbringing, protection and strengthening of physical and psychological health, as well as in the development of their individual abilities.

Parents and other legal representatives of students, who have not reached majority age, have the right to:

provide an opportunity for education in family for children with physical, mental, sensory or psychological disorders, as well as those in need of long-term treatment;

making a decision on the continuation of education of a child, who is being educated in family, in an educational organization at any stage of education, taking into account the child’s opinion;

make proposals for cooperation with educational organizations, improving the educational process, developing the material and technical base, providing charitable assistance to educational organizations;

familiarize with the charter and (or) other constituent document of an educational organization, license, certificate of state accreditation, state educational standards, state educational requirements, qualification requirements, curricula and study programs;

familiarize with the content of education, the methods of teaching and upbringing used, educational technologies, as well as learning progress of their children;

protection of the rights and legitimate interests of students;

participation in the discussion of issues on the management of an educational organization.

Parents and other legal representatives of students, who have not reached majority age, may have other rights in accordance with the law.

Parents and other legal representatives of students, who have not reached majority age, are obliged to:

educate their children in the spirit of humanism, patriotism, industriousness, respect for spiritual, national and universal values;

ensure that children receive general secondary and secondary specialized or primary vocational education;

ensure that children attend school and monitor their progress;

create conditions for the intellectual, spiritual and physical development of their children;

comply with the internal regulations of an educational organization that govern the educational process;

protect the rights and legitimate interests of their children in the field of education in relations with individuals and legal entities, including in court, without special powers;

respect the honor and dignity of the participants in the educational process.

Parents and other legal representatives of students, who have not reached majority age, may bear other obligations in accordance with the legislation.

Chapter 7. Social protection of participants of educational process

Article 52. Social protection of students

In accordance with the law, students in educational institutions are provided with benefits, scholarships and accommodation.

Students on a paid-contract basis may be provided with preferential bank loans.

Non-state educational organizations provide social protection for students in accordance with the legislation, charter and (or) other constituent documents.

In order to ensure social protection, the state creates conditions for children from low-income families, children (persons) with physical, mental, sensory or psychological disorders, as well as for their professional growth.

Article 53. Social protection of employees of educational organizations

The state guarantees social protection of employees of educational organizations.

Reduced working hours shall be introduced for teaching staff of educational organizations, extended annual paid leave and other benefits and guarantees shall be provided.

Teachers and other employees of educational organizations shall be guaranteed health services through sanitary and hygienic, anti-epidemic and preventive measures.

Educational organizations, within the limits of the available funds for labor remuneration, shall have the right to independently establish differentiated supplements to wages and official salaries and apply various forms of payments and incentives.

Article 54. Education and full provisioning of orphans and children left without parental care or other legal representatives

Education and full support of orphans and children, deprived of parental care or care of other legal representatives, shall be carried out at the expense of the State budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 55. Education and upbringing of children (persons) with physical, mental, sensory or psychological disorders

The state provides free general secondary, secondary specialized, vocational and out-of-school education for children (persons) with physical, mental, sensory or psychological disabilities in state specialized educational institutions, general secondary, secondary specialized and vocational educational institutions in an inclusive manner.

State specialized educational institutions are created for upbringing and education of children with physical, mental, sensory or psychological disorders, as well as those in need of long-term treatment. Admission and expulsion of students from these educational institutions are executed on the basis of conclusions of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission with the consent of the parents or other legal representatives.

Article 56. Education and upbringing of children (persons) in need of social rehabilitation

Specialized educational institutions are created to provide education, vocational training and social rehabilitation to children (persons) in need of special conditions of education and upbringing.

For children (persons) held in institutions for the execution of sentences in the form of imprisonment, conditions shall be created for receiving education, upbringing and self-education.

Chapter 8. Licensing of activities of non-state educational organizations, certification and state accreditation of educational organizations. Recognition of a document on education obtained in a foreign state, apostille of documents in the field of education

Article 57. Licensing of activities of non-state educational organizations

Licensing of the activities of non-state educational organizations is regulated by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On licensing of individual types of activities».

The issuance, suspension, termination, as well cancellation and re-issuance of licenses to non-state educational organizations are carried out by the Education Inspection.

The licenses are issued for an indefinite period, separately for each type of education.

Article 58. Certification and state accreditation of educational organizations

Preschool, general secondary, secondary specialized, vocational and higher educational organizations, as well as educational organizations providing out-of-school education, postgraduate education, retraining and advanced training of specialists operating in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, are subject to certification and state accreditation against compliance with state educational standards, state educational requirements and study programs.

Certification and state accreditation of educational organizations is carried out for a period of five years.

Certification and state accreditation of educational organizations is carried out by Education Inspection at the request of educational organizations. The application is submitted three months before the end of the accreditation period.

Certification is carried out in two stages - an internal assessment and an external assessment of the activities of educational organizations.

Internal assessment is a self-assessment of an educational organization.

External assessment is an assessment carried out by Education Inspection after an internal assessment.

Educational organizations created based on decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as those created by ministries, state committees, departments and local government bodies, shall be considered accredited for five years from the date of their establishment.

Non-state educational organizations shall be considered accredited for five years from the date of obtaining a license, after which they shall be certified and accredited in accordance with the procedure established by this Law.

A permanent commission for state accreditation shall be established under Education Inspection in order to conduct state accreditation of educational organizations.

State accreditation shall be carried out based on evaluation of educational organizations. A permanent commission on state accreditation shall determine the status of an educational organization and the compliance of its activities with state educational standards, state educational requirements and study programs.

If a positive decision is made on state accreditation of an educational organization, it shall be issued a certificate in the established form indicating the period of validity of state accreditation.

In the event of reorganization or liquidation of an educational organization, the certificate of state accreditation shall be terminated by the decision of Education Inspection.

In cases of violations of the requirements of the legislation on education or the conditions specified in the certificate, and failure to eliminate them on the part of an educational organization, Education Inspection shall make a decision to cancel the certificate of state accreditation.

Educational organizations that have passed state accreditation shall be included in the Register of educational organizations, and the relevant information shall be posted on the official website of Education Inspection.

Article 59. Conducting an internal and external assessment of the activities of educational organizations

Educational organizations, before external assessment of their activities, shall conduct an independent internal assessment of their activities on based on criteria and evaluation indicators developed by Education Inspection.

Educational organizations, two months before the start of the external assessment of their activities, shall submit the results of the internal assessment to Education Inspection.

Education Inspection shall review the results of internal assessment of the activities of educational organizations and use them in the process of external evaluation of their activities.

Heads of the educational organizations shall be responsible for the reliability of the results of their internal assessments.

Article 60. Recognition of a document on education acquired in a foreign state

A document on education received in a foreign state after January 1, 1992, shall be recognized as having legal force in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan after passing the recognition procedure.

Recognition of a document on education received in a foreign state shall be carried out by Education Inspection.

Procedure for recognizing a document on education received in a foreign state shall be established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Article 61. Stamping apostilles on official documents related to education

Apostille is stamped on official documents related to education in order to confirm the authenticity of the signature of the person who certified the document and the seal or stamp imprint.

The signature, seal or stamp affixed on the apostille do not require additional confirmation.

Stamping of apostille on official documents issued by educational organizations shall be carried out by Education Inspection.

Chapter 9. Financing and state support of education

Article 62. Financing of educational organizations

Financing of state educational institutions is carried out from the Republican budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the budget of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, local budgets of regions and city of Tashkent, budgets of districts and cities, at the expense customers of specialists, as well as extra-budgetary funds and other sources not prohibited by law.

Financing of non-state educational organizations is carried out at the expense of the monetary and material resources of the founders, customers of specialists and other sources not prohibited by law.

State educational institutions have the right to provide paid educational and other services, as well as engage in entrepreneurial activities in accordance with the charter objectives.

The provision of paid educational services should not interfere with the main activities of state educational institutions.

The procedure for collecting fees for the provision of additional educational services in state educational institutions is established by these state educational institutions independently.

State educational institutions have the right to independently manage the proceeds from the provided paid educational and other services and entrepreneurial activities.

Additional sources of funding for educational organizations are:

proceeds from training, retraining and advanced training of specialists on contractual basis, including on contracts concluded with foreign individuals or legal entities;

proceeds from research, educational and methodological and other works not prohibited by law on the basis of orders of individuals and legal entities;

proceeds from sale of products, performance of work and provision of services by educational organizations;

proceeds from lease of buildings, structures and equipment;

proceeds (interest) from placing free funds of educational organizations on deposits in banking institutions;

funds allocated by state and economic management bodies, as well as local government bodies;

bank loans and credits;

charitable funds of individuals and legal entities.

The amounts of funds allocated for the implementation of preschool, general secondary, secondary specialized and initial vocational education shall be established by Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and sent to educational organizations at the place of study of pupils and students.

Article 63. Funds for the development of education

Funds for development of education may be created in the manner prescribed by law at the expense of contributions and allocations from state institutions and organizations, legal entities and individuals, including foreign ones, as well as other sources not prohibited by law.

Article 64. Public-private partnership in the field of education

A public-private partnership in the field of education is a cooperation between public and private partners, legally formalized for a certain period, based on the pooling of their resources for the implementation of a public-private partnership project.

Non-state educational organizations may be created on the basis of public-private partnerships in the field of education.

Public-private partnership in the field of education shall be implemented in accordance with the principles, norms and provisions of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On public-private partnership».

Article 65. Attracting investments in the field of education

The state ensures the creation of favorable socio-economic, organizational and legal conditions for attracting investments aimed at developing the sphere of education, activities of educational organizations, as well as protecting the rights and legitimate interests of investors, including foreign.

Article 66. Property of educational organizations

Educational organizations must have property on the right of ownership, control or operational management.

It is not allowed to privatize objects that are in the economic jurisdiction or in the operational management of state educational institutions (buildings, structures, buildings and structures under construction, educational, industrial and social infrastructure facilities, temporary accommodation premises for students, clinical sites and other real estate objects, including those within educational campuses).

In the event of reorganization of an educational organization, its property shall be transferred to the newly created educational organization by legal succession.

In the event of liquidation of an educational organization, its property shall be returned to the founders (participants) after the creditors' claims have been satisfied, unless otherwise provided by law.

Chapter 10. International cooperation in the field of education

Article 67. International cooperation of educational organizations

Educational organizations carry out international cooperation with relevant educational institutions and organizations of foreign states through:

development of scientific and technical cooperation on education matters;

creation of joint departments, training centers and scientific laboratories;

preparation of joint international educational and research projects and programs;

implementation of joint fundamental and applied research projects;

conducting scientific and practical seminars, conferences and symposia;

exchange of students, graduate students, doctoral students, teachers and researchers;

introduction of double diploma programs;

other activities provided by law.

Educational organizations may carry out training of specialists in cooperation with educational institutions and organizations of foreign states in accordance with the legislation.

Article 68. International cooperation in the field of education

International cooperation in the field of education is carried out in accordance with international treaties and legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Authorized state bodies in the field of education:

cooperate with the relevant competent authorities, educational institutions of foreign states;

send citizens permanently residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan for training in educational institutions of foreign states;

exchange teachers and students;

organize training, retraining and advanced training of managers and teaching staff in foreign countries;

send their employees and specialists to international conferences and internships, support their participation in international projects and scientific research.

The authorized state bodies in the field of education may carry out other activities to develop international cooperation in the field of education in accordance with the legislation.

Article 69. Education abroad

Citizens permanently residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan have the right to receive education abroad in accordance with international treaties of the Republic of Uzbekistan or on an individual basis.

Chapter 11. Final provisions

Article 70. Settlement of disputes

Disputes in the field of education shall be settled in the manner prescribed by law.

Article 71. Responsibility for violation of legislation on education

Persons guilty of violating the legislation on education shall be liable in the prescribed manner.

Article 72. Recognition as invalid of some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The following shall be declared invalid:

1) Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 29, 1997, No.463-I «On the national program for training of personnel» (Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997, No.11-12, 295);

2) Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 29, 1997, No.464-I «On Education» (Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997, No.9, 225);

3) Resolution of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 29, 1997, No.465-I «On the procedure for the enforcement of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On education» (Bulletin of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1997, No.9, 226);

4) article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 9, 2007, No.ЗРУ-87 «On Amendments to the national program for training of personnel» (Bulletin of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2007, No.4, 160);

5) articles 15 and 16 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of October 7, 2013, No.ЗРУ-355 «On amendments and additions and invalidation of some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan» (Bulletin of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2013, No.10, 263);

6) articles 14 and 15 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 3, 2018, No. LRU-456 «On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection with the improvement of the activities of some state bodies, as well as the adoption of additional measures to ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens» (Bulletin of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2018, No.1, 1);

7) article 26 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 18, 2018, No. LRU-476 «On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan» (Bulletin of the Chambers of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2018, No. 4, 224).

Article 73. Ensuring the execution, communication, clarification of the essence and meaning of this Law

Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other concerned ministries, state committees, departments and organizations shall ensure execution, communication to executors and clarification among the public of the essence and meaning of this law.

Article 74. Bringing legislation in line with this Law

Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan shall:

bring government decisions in line with this Law;

ensure the revision and cancellation by the government bodies of their regulatory legal acts that contradict this Law.

Article 75. Entry into force of this Law

This Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. MIRZIYOYEV